Holy Week Tuesday Devotion

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by Alexis Waack

Have you ever gone camping? My family did when I was a little girl. Camping brings back some wonderful memories of bonfires, swimming, and running around without shoes. But it also brings back memories of the clean-up process when the weekend was over. We had to clean up the campsite and pack up the car. When we got home, we did our laundry, washed our dishes, and cleaned ourselves up after our fun weekend. It was refreshing to get everything all cleaned up after spending time outdoors for a few days. Cleaning is important. Cleaning is so important that even Jesus did it. But he did not clean things and stuff; he cleaned feet!

Why would our Lord, Savior of the world, stoop to the status of a servant and clean the feet of others? Paul helps us understand in Philippians 2:7. He writes, “But made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” As was noted yesterday, Christ set aside his glory to come to earth. This passage shows why he set aside his glory. Christ became a man. He took on a flesh and bone body. He was true God, but he was also true man! Christ took on the appearance of a humble servant as well as the attitude of one. His whole purpose on this earth was to bring people the truth. He was here to live a perfect life, die a perfect death, and rise from the dead. He came to save the world! And to do this, he became a servant.

He served all people by healing diseases and injuries. He showed love to all in his words and actions. He spoke the truth wherever he went. And he washed feet. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. They objected to the Lord washing their feet. But Jesus wanted to teach them. He explained the importance of being a servant. He called them to preach the truth and to serve others. Christ was leading by example. But he did not stop serving them after washing their feet. Christ was arrested, put to death, and raised again to life. He defeated death and the devil. Christ humbled himself, setting his glory aside, to serve me and you through his words and especially his actions. Christ has not washed my feet nor yours, but he has washed our souls clean.

When Jesus quietly went with his captors, he knew he was walking towards his death. But he was also walking towards your life. He submitted himself to pain and suffering to wash you clean. Jesus stayed on that cross at Calvary so that you would know his love and sacrifice. He saw your face and decided it was worth all the pain. What a moving message. As this Holy Week unfolds, keep this on your hearts and minds. Christ became a humble servant. He healed diseases and washed feet. He died on the cross. He cleansed your soul. He did all these things for you.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for cleaning my soul. Remind me of my status before you, even when this world causes me to stumble. Remind me that you did this all for me. Amen.

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