Holy Week Wednesday Devotion

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by Alexis Waack

Do you ever struggle to be obedient? To do what God says the way he says to do it? For example, God says, ‘Honor your parents.’ But when mom or dad asks you to clean your room or do the dishes, do you find it easier to say no? Or to do it resentfully? Parents, God tells you throughout Scripture to train your children and keep them in the faith. But when devotion time rolls around after a long day, it can be easier to skip it and go to bed. As sinful humans, we struggle to be obedient to God’s Word. When you struggle with obedience, what do you do? Where do you turn? Turn to Jesus. He had to struggle with obedience to God’s will, too.

Can you imagine what Jesus felt when obedience to his Father’s will meant he had to die on a cross?

Jesus understands what it is like to struggle with obedience to God. As true man, Jesus was subject to the same laws we are, the same need for obedience. And Satan did everything he could to tempt Jesus to fall into sin. Christ knew that becoming a man would come with these challenges, but he did it anyway. He humbled himself and became a man for you and me. How far did Jesus’ obedience go? It took him to the cross. Paul writes in Philippians 2:8, “And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death–even death on a cross!” Christ was obedient to God and his will, so obedient that he allowed himself to be nailed to a cross and killed. What a testament to his love and perfection! But this was not an easy task for our Lord.

The Bible has a detailed account of Jesus’ actions on the night of his arrest. He knew what was coming, and he went to pray. Jesus prayed multiple times to the Father to find another way. He asked for the Father to take away this coming pain. But at the end of each prayer, he asked for the Father’s will to be carried out. Jesus was true God and true man. Being true God, he knew that the final hours of his life were going to be painful and tortuous. Being true man, Jesus prayed for another way so that he did not have to go through the pain of his near future. But through all of this, he knew that God’s will must be done, and he would drink the cup set before him. This is a fantastic example of Christ’s obedience to God’s will.

Additionally, Christ’s status as God was mocked as he died on the cross. The Roman soldiers, the religious leaders and elders, and everyone who passed by laughed and jeered. They hurled insults at him. They questioned why he could not just take himself off the cross if he was truly God. The people questioned his status and nature, but Jesus did not stumble. He continued in his perfect obedience to God and his will. He stayed on that cross. He fought the battle and won!

Obedience can be a challenge in this sinful world. Sometimes, we question why God lets certain things happen, or we stumble and fall in our obedience. It is a blessing to know that we have a perfect Savior who fulfilled God’s laws and commands in our place. Jesus carried out perfect obedience to God’s will. He has made us free! Praise the Lord for Christ’s obedience, even to death on a cross. And remember, he did this for you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your son to be obedient in my place. When I stumble and fall, direct my eyes to the cross and Christ’s perfection. Remind me of his obedient sacrifice for me. Amen.

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