Maundy Thursday Devotion

Stmarkdepere   -  

by Alexis Waack


A name is a remarkable thing. When you were born, your parents looked at you and decided your name was perfect for you. Have you ever asked your parents why they gave you your name? Some people have an attachment to certain names. For example, parents might name their daughter “Lilliane” after her grandmother or their son “Isaiah” after the biblical figure. Some names have deep meaning behind them. Our parents chose our names specifically for us. I cannot imagine myself with any other name! Jesus was also given a name specifically for him. Before Jesus was born, an angel told Mary what to name him. The angel Gabriel told her to call him Jesus because he would come to save the people from their sins. In Hebrew, Jesus means savior. What a fitting name for our Lord! His name is powerful, and God the Father solidified him in that power after his resurrection from the dead.

Yesterday’s devotion focused on Jesus’ appearance as a man and his humility on this earth. But today, we will focus on the glory he received once his time of humility was complete and he had fulfilled the mission he came to earth to carry out. Jesus became obedient to death on a cross. He carried out the Father’s will. Paul tells us what happened after Jesus’ death was complete. He writes, “Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name.” God gave Jesus his name, and his resurrection confirmed that it would be a name above every name! His name is powerful. We can stand in awe each day at the name of Jesus. Use his name to pray. Use his name to praise. Use his name to comfort. Use his name to give thanks. Use his name every day, always keeping in mind the strength that his name brings.

Jesus’ name is awesome; it is the name above all names. His name literally means salvation. The name of Jesus means he saves us from everything. He saves you from all the sins you commit in the past, present, and future. All of the hurtful thoughts and words. All of the wounding actions. He covers it all with his saving work. That is the power of Jesus’ name. When Jesus completed God’s will, God gave him the name above all names and exalted him to the highest place. Jesus returned to heaven after his resurrection. But, he promised to return to bring us all home with him. This promise is an immense comfort. God has exalted Jesus in heaven, and we can live in the certainty that Jesus is preparing a place there for each of us. 

As this Holy Week unfolds, think about Jesus’ name. Remember how special his name is. And remember that God knows your name, too. You are always on God’s mind. He is preparing a place for you in his heavenly home, which will be even greater than you can imagine! He is waiting for you to meet him in your eternal home. And until then, he will continue to think about you and watch over your steps as you walk on this earth. Walk in the comfort of God’s care, knowing that he is here with you, walking at your side. Remember that God knows you by name, by your unique name. Remember that Christ did all these things for you, and he will return one day to take you home to be with him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for my name. Remind me daily that you know me by name and watch my steps everywhere I go. Keep my eyes focused on you and the heavenly home that awaits me. In Jesus’ powerful name, Amen.

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