Reflections on the AI Summit

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By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock

A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend the WELSTech AI Summit in Doral, FL. This was a small, invitation-only gathering of church and school leaders, all coming together to wrestle with the role of AI in ministry. Our goal? To learn, discuss, and strategize how we can support our churches in an AI-driven world.

What I Learned

AI: As Big as the Printing Press

People who study technology’s impact on society are saying AI is the biggest shift since the printing press. When books became widely available, literacy exploded, and knowledge was no longer restricted to an elite few. AI is poised to do something similar—not just making knowledge more accessible, but processing and interpreting it for us. That means we need to be intentional about how we think, question, and use AI wisely.

“There’s an AI for That”

Right now, there’s a race to develop AI tools that will reshape how we work, communicate, and live. But beyond the hype, some organizations are putting AI to work in ways that actually help people. For example, Concurrency, a Milwaukee-based company, is building AI-driven solutions for churches. Picture this: instead of navigating a clunky online form, you just email your church like you would a person—“Hey, can I book a room for an event?”—and an AI assistant handles the scheduling, notifies the right people, and confirms the details. Or imagine a pastoral care assistant who helps you put your thoughts into words before you meet with your pastor. The possibilities are endless.

Church Leaders Can’t Afford to Sit This One Out

I get it. AI is intimidating. It’s tempting to say, “Let’s just wait and see how this plays out.” But AI isn’t going away. Church members are already encountering it at work, in their kids’ schools, and even in their entertainment. If we don’t engage with it now, we’ll be playing catch-up later. AI can also help church leaders be better stewards of their time, streamlining administrative tasks so they can focus on ministry. The bottom line: We need to understand AI so we can guide our people through it.

What We Did

Wrestling with Theological Questions

One of our biggest discussions at the Summit was about AI’s impact on our understanding of humanity. The world is going to struggle with this—what does it mean to be human when AI can mimic human behavior? The Church has the answers, but we need to be ready to articulate them. We also tackled practical questions: Should pastors use AI for sermon prep? How should teachers use AI in lesson planning? What new temptations might AI bring?

The Need for Education and Policies

Churches and schools are scrambling to figure out AI policies, but AI doesn’t fit neatly into old rules about citing sources or giving credit. We talked about the need for clear, adaptable policies that fit specific ministry settings instead of a one-size-fits-all approach. The goal isn’t just to regulate AI use, but to use it wisely and ethically.

Making a Plan for the Future

We didn’t just talk—we made a plan. We brainstormed ways to educate church leaders, provide resources, and navigate AI’s ethical implications. We also acknowledged that many people in our circles are hesitant about AI, and that our approach needs to be one of walking alongside rather than charging ahead. This was just the start of a larger conversation.

What’s Next

More Learning Opportunities

The Summit was a first step, but now the real work begins. WELSTech will need to create learning opportunities for called workers and church leaders—through national AI conferences, local workshops, online training, and even curated lists of AI tools for ministry. AI literacy is going to be essential moving forward.

Ongoing Guidance from WELSTech

AI isn’t static—it’s evolving constantly. Churches and schools will need ongoing guidance on best practices, ethical use, and policy development. WELSTech is in a position to provide that support, helping ministries adapt to whatever comes next.

Theological Clarity

Perhaps most importantly, the Church needs to develop a strong theological framework for AI. Society is already asking big questions: Is AI “alive” in some way? If human consciousness is just electrical signals in the brain, how are we different from AI? Do AI “beings” deserve rights? Can someone have a relationship with an AI? These are the kinds of cultural conversations where the Church needs to speak clearly and biblically.

The AI Summit was just the beginning, but it left me both challenged and excited. There’s so much to learn and so many ways AI can be used for good. My biggest takeaway? AI isn’t something to fear—it’s a tool to be used wisely, and we, as the Church, have a responsibility to steward it well.