The Conflict in Israel and Our Response By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock “What should I think about what’s happening in Israel?” I get this question almost weekly....
Simple Faith By Family Minister Brandon Steenbock When I was about 18 or 19, I got frustrated with the complexity of life. I know. A young single guy...
The Grave Cloths in the Tomb By Family Minister Brandon Steenbock Why do the Gospel writers make note of the grave clothes being folded neatly in the tomb? What is the...
Easter Sunday Devotion by Alexis Waack He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Hallelujah! Holy Week is one of my favorite parts of the church year. It is a week to see...
Holy Saturday Devotion by Alexis Waack Have you ever had to confess something? When I think of the word confess, I get a negative feeling. I remember times I had...
Good Friday Devotion by Alexis Waack Have you ever been speechless? God’s beautiful creation often leaves me without words. It might be a stunning sunrise,...
Maundy Thursday Devotion by Alexis Waack A name is a remarkable thing. When you were born, your parents looked at you and decided your name was perfect for...
Holy Week Wednesday Devotion by Alexis Waack Do you ever struggle to be obedient? To do what God says the way he says to do it? For example, God says, ‘Honor your...
Holy Week Tuesday Devotion by Alexis Waack Have you ever gone camping? My family did when I was a little girl. Camping brings back some wonderful memories of...