“Try it Out Weekend

January 25 - 26, 5:00 pm - 11:30 am  |  St. Mark De Pere

2066 Lawrence Dr, De Pere, WI, USA

Did you know on a single weekend at our De Pere campus, it takes a minimum of 38 volunteers to make it the seamless, positive experience it is for our kids, guests and partners?

The reality is, we only have 29 volunteers serving each weekend. Ideally, we’d like 51 people serving each weekend at De Pere, and to be able to once again offer Children’s Church at our 10:30 a.m. Sunday service.

That’s where “Try it Out Weekend” comes in! You get to try out serving in our Soul Cafe, ProPresenter (church slides), Children’s Church, Guest Services and Little Lambs Nursery. Trained volunteers and staff will walk you through the duties of what a Saturday or Sunday of serving in these roles truly looks like.

You by no means, are locked into any further commitment. This is simply one serving-focused weekend to display all the various roles that make our services so warm and welcoming to both partners and guests.

Sign up here.