Holy Week Monday Devotion by Alexis Waack Palm Sunday was filled with shouts and cheers. Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna to the Son of David! Can you imagine what...
Palm Sunday Devotion by Alexis Waack Have you ever been told you have an attitude problem? As a teenager, I had a bit of an attitude problem. I was moody. I was...
Jesus Wept Written by Staff Minister Brandon Steenbock “Jesus wept.” Two simple words. Incredible message. If you don’t know the story, go read...
Six Reasons I Bring My Kids to Funerals Written by: Pastor Ben Workentine There’s a funeral this week at church. I’m going. My family will be there, too, including my...
The Difference Between a Pastor and Staff Minister Written by St. Mark Staff Minister, Brandon Steenbock: What is the difference between a Pastor and a Staff Minister? We get this question a...
Lessons from Israel Lessons From Israel What comes to mind when you think about visiting Israel? Is it biblical sites and a spiritual experience? Do you...
Letter to a Young Wife at Christmas Dear sister, I truly hope that your Christmas season has been filled with light and joy and a sense of hopeful anticipation. But I’m...
Letter to a Young Husband at Christmas Christmas isn’t the same as it was when you were a kid. I don’t know about your Christmases, but when I was a boy, Christmas was...
The Price IS Right “After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied” Isaiah 53:11a While they were wondering about this, suddenly...