Palm Sunday Devotion by Alexis Waack Have you ever been told you have an attitude problem? As a teenager, I had a bit of an attitude problem. I was moody. I was...
Jesus Wept Written by Staff Minister Brandon Steenbock “Jesus wept.” Two simple words. Incredible message. If you don’t know the story, go read...
Six Reasons I Bring My Kids to Funerals Written by: Pastor Ben Workentine There’s a funeral this week at church. I’m going. My family will be there, too, including my...
The Difference Between a Pastor and Staff Minister Written by St. Mark Staff Minister, Brandon Steenbock: What is the difference between a Pastor and a Staff Minister? We get this question a...
Lessons from Israel Lessons From Israel What comes to mind when you think about visiting Israel? Is it biblical sites and a spiritual experience? Do you...
Letter to a Young Wife at Christmas Dear sister, I truly hope that your Christmas season has been filled with light and joy and a sense of hopeful anticipation. But I’m...
Letter to a Young Husband at Christmas Christmas isn’t the same as it was when you were a kid. I don’t know about your Christmases, but when I was a boy, Christmas was...
The Price IS Right “After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied” Isaiah 53:11a While they were wondering about this, suddenly...
Don’t Overlook the Details It must be eaten inside the house; take none of the meat outside the house. Do not break any of the bones. (Exodus 12:46) He protects all...