Reflections on the AI Summit By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock A couple of weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend the WELSTech AI Summit in Doral, FL. This...
A Lesson in Patience By Jenni Schubring, Director of Women’s Ministry What craziness! That’s how I feel about February. Early last month, I decided...
Your AI was Trained on Enron and Trashy Romance By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock Ever fished in a puddle hoping to catch a whale? Or pulled through the drive-thru looking for...
AI: Reject, Receive, or Redeem? By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock “People will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their...
Parents: Be Intentional About Your Kids’ Lives By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock Parents, if ever there was a lesson in knowing what your kids are up to, we saw it recently with...
Should You Watch the “Mary” Movie on Netflix? By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock Do you know the true story of Mary, the mother of Jesus? If you watch the new movie “Mary” on...
Did God Die? Introduction: A question worth asking By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock It’s the perfect “gotcha” question for Christians....
God’s Design for Family (Part 1): Our Purpose as Humans By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock Why do we exist? This question has plagued philosophers, abstract thinkers, and moody teenagers...
Sharing Your Faith with Analogies (and when not to) By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock Sharing your faith is your mission as a believer. Jesus gave his first disciples the direction to...
Navigating the Digital Kingdom: Reflections on Our Online Presence By Pastor Ben Workentine In today’s interconnected world, we find ourselves citizens of not just our physical nations, but also of a...
Don’t Be Afraid. Just Believe. By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock Jesus said to Jairus: “Don’t be afraid. Just believe.” Jairus’s daughter was sick, and he...
The Triune God Has Saved You By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock This article was adapted from a sermon preached for Trinity Sunday 2024. If you haven’t...
The Conflict in Israel and Our Response By Family Minister, Dr. Brandon Steenbock “What should I think about what’s happening in Israel?” I get this question almost weekly....
Simple Faith By Family Minister Brandon Steenbock When I was about 18 or 19, I got frustrated with the complexity of life. I know. A young single guy...
The Grave Cloths in the Tomb By Family Minister Brandon Steenbock Why do the Gospel writers make note of the grave clothes being folded neatly in the tomb? What is the...
Easter Sunday Devotion by Alexis Waack He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Hallelujah! Holy Week is one of my favorite parts of the church year. It is a week to see...
Holy Saturday Devotion by Alexis Waack Have you ever had to confess something? When I think of the word confess, I get a negative feeling. I remember times I had...
Good Friday Devotion by Alexis Waack Have you ever been speechless? God’s beautiful creation often leaves me without words. It might be a stunning sunrise,...
Maundy Thursday Devotion by Alexis Waack A name is a remarkable thing. When you were born, your parents looked at you and decided your name was perfect for...
Holy Week Wednesday Devotion by Alexis Waack Do you ever struggle to be obedient? To do what God says the way he says to do it? For example, God says, ‘Honor your...
Holy Week Tuesday Devotion by Alexis Waack Have you ever gone camping? My family did when I was a little girl. Camping brings back some wonderful memories of...
Holy Week Monday Devotion by Alexis Waack Palm Sunday was filled with shouts and cheers. Hosanna in the highest! Hosanna to the Son of David! Can you imagine what...
Palm Sunday Devotion by Alexis Waack Have you ever been told you have an attitude problem? As a teenager, I had a bit of an attitude problem. I was moody. I was...
Jesus Wept Written by Staff Minister Brandon Steenbock “Jesus wept.” Two simple words. Incredible message. If you don’t know the story, go read...
Six Reasons I Bring My Kids to Funerals Written by: Pastor Ben Workentine There’s a funeral this week at church. I’m going. My family will be there, too, including my...
The Difference Between a Pastor and Staff Minister Written by St. Mark Staff Minister, Brandon Steenbock: What is the difference between a Pastor and a Staff Minister? We get this question a...
Lessons from Israel Lessons From Israel What comes to mind when you think about visiting Israel? Is it biblical sites and a spiritual experience? Do you...
Letter to a Young Wife at Christmas Dear sister, I truly hope that your Christmas season has been filled with light and joy and a sense of hopeful anticipation. But I’m...
Letter to a Young Husband at Christmas Christmas isn’t the same as it was when you were a kid. I don’t know about your Christmases, but when I was a boy, Christmas was...
The Price IS Right “After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied” Isaiah 53:11a While they were wondering about this, suddenly...
Don’t Overlook the Details It must be eaten inside the house; take none of the meat outside the house. Do not break any of the bones. (Exodus 12:46) He protects all...
No Greater Love By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the...
A Seat Among Sinners Because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for...
A Rejected Valentine He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was...
Silent Knight He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers...
The Price is Right? And the Lord said to me, “Throw it to the potter”—the handsome price at which they valued me! So I took the thirty pieces of...
An Unlikely King Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a...
The Real True Story of Jesus’ Birth By Staff Minister Brandon Steenbock Years ago at a church in Minnesota I was in charge of an annual Live Nativity event. We had a massive...
Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday? By: Staff Minister Brandon Steenbock If you’re a Christmas celebrating disciple of Jesus, chances are you have been told that the...
Hindsight is 20/20 By Tim Babler I was never much of a fan of the phrase, “Hindsight is 20/20”. Of course it is! It’s so much easier to look...
New Year, New Me January 1, 2021 By Tim Babler “New Year, New Me!” This is a phrase that seems to be the most popular hashtag and social media post of...
A Christmas Letter to College Students Written by Staff Minister Michael Hennig Dear college students, It’s just a matter of time before we reach Christmas of 2020, and I know...
Christmas is War Written by Young Adult Staff Minister Brandon Steenbock In a world that’s always winter and never Christmas, the appearance of Father...
Christmas Trees Written by Family Minister Dr. Brandon Steenbock The day after Thanksgiving, my family and I drove to a tree farm, rode a wagon over the...
Was Jesus Born On December 25th? Written by Young Adult Staff Minister Brandon Steenbock It happens every year at Christmas time. Amid the joy and laughter, the quiet...
Are There Degrees of Glory in Heaven? By Dr. John Parlow People will sometimes ask if there are degrees of glory in heaven. In other words, are there different “levels” in...
Where is Heaven? By Dr. John Parlow Where is heaven? That’s a question that’s often asked not only by children, but also by adults. The Bible...
What Do They Know in Heaven? By Dr. John Parlow “Do they know?” This is the question people sometimes ask about their loved ones who have died and gone to...
Are You For Us or Our Enemies? Devotion 3: Are You For Us or Our Enemies? It was the eve of the first battle that would lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land....
Where is Your Confidence? Devotion 2: Where is Your Confidence? Imagine for a moment waking up on November 4th, the day after Election Day. You’re opening the...
Your Vote Doesn’t Matter Devotion 1: Your vote doesn’t matter. Written by: St. Mark Staff Minister, Brandon Steenbock “Your vote doesn’t matter. The idea that...
Do I Have to be Baptized to Come to Your Church? Do I have to be baptized to come to your church? Written by: Pastor Ben Workentine That’s a great question, and the short answer is no....
Is Your Church for Me? I’m LGBTQ+. Written by Pastor Ben Workentine First off, I just want to say thank you for asking a really good question. I have to admit that christian...
Why do you call yourselves Lutheran? Written by Pastor Ben Workentine When you see churches as you drive around, you might see things like “First Baptist” or...
Forgiveness – When It’s Not Easy Forgiveness – When It’s Not Easy by Phil Boileau “He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.” Psalm...
Your God is Too Small We’ve all seen it. Acts of unbelievable proportions. Our friend does a back-flip on the trampoline. The half-court, backwards lob...
Gentle Whisper The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and...
“Smart Toys” Require Smarter Parents By Pastor Chris Johnson As many of you know, my wife and I have four boys. They are more connected to the internet and their friends than I...